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Fusion Series

How World Class Innovators Create the Unexpected

Killer Mystery Infections & the 24-in-1 Test

10 Million+ Lives & USD 1.2 Billion to Save Worldwide




Dr. Ravi Kumar Banda – Entrepreneur, Medical Scientist-Technologist

How did a USD 7 million investment become -- in less than four years -- an invention that could save 10+ Million lives & USD 1.2 billion in healthcare costs/year, worldwide? Ravi chose a big problem “worth failing,” over which he was “irrationally enthusiastic.” He declared a journey of discovery (not investment promises), diagnosing “undiagnosable” infection. Well-meaning friends told him it was impossible & he DIDN’T “listen to the customer.” He led an integrated, passionate team that revived the dead project every morning after last night’s failure. They were willing to fail -- but succeeded. Now, XCyton’s integrated diagnostics -- 24 tests in 1 – gives life-saving results within 24 hours.

For more information on his work, see: LinkedIn and XCyton.