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Fusion Series

How World Class Innovators Create the Unexpected

Jeiva (Oilpipe Mammography)

Portable, Over-Clothing, Life-Saving Breast Cancer Detection




Krish Krishnan – Serial Entrepreneur, Science-Technology Ventures

Breast Cancer recovery drops from 80-90% to 24% when diagnosed after 1st-stage. Most breast cancer deaths are in developing countries, where most clinics can’t afford mammogram machines, diagnosis is generally late, and the incidence is rising. But what if a diagnostic device were widely available, free, and the results were delivered over the cloud at a nominal fee?

Fusion 1: A physicist from Indonesia created portable, over-clothing, detection cups using oilpipe-scanning technology. Fusion 2: It takes a village to bring such an invention to the world – in this case, a Fusioneer who collects the dots (ideas, people, & technology from everywhere) and connects the dots (science, technology, & business) into a viable offering.

For more information on his work, see LinkedIn.